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As kindergarten art lesson plan children gradually grow up, parents, children, something often ask why, endless sometimes ask of it. "Why is the sun?" "Why the moon walk?" "Why do fish swim in the water?" Facing the "why" put forward by the children, mom dad how to deal with, how to correctly guide?
Einstein once said: "I don't have any special talent, is just like arose to track down problems." Of brief words revealed the truth: curiosity, but problem consciousness perseverance. So, parents should try to love protect children love to ask questions of nature. Because the baby ask why the situation, in fact this is the first step on the baby for independent thinking. Ask questions, means the baby is being creative.
Bao mother if they can keep a patience, pay attention to cultivate, back to the baby's ability to independent thinking, problem solving is advantage. Patience to listen to, actively guide the child asked why, as parents, children must first ask my good well, secondly, patience to listen to children with suspected, give the correct answer. In addition, before answering questions, parents can guide the child, let him go to look for the answer, this helps to assist children to develop good study habits, play to their subjective initiative. Endless questions about children, don't feel very vexed because children ask too much, mom dad depressed attitude will stifle their learning enthusiasm, time is long, the children will be due to the attitude of mom dad too tired can't again hair problems. Analogy + association children's thinking is single, it is difficult to one instance. As parents should guide children learn to associate, to cut the title of the same type put forward again again.