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What is the kindergarten social education? What contents are included? Why are we often spend a lot of effort. Only to find that children forward its micro? In other words, if we caught the kindergarten outdoor activities, social characteristics of education? For this problem, some teachers specious, some of the misconceptions in understanding practice, such as some teachers think that education is a social common sense education society (meet various social roles common agency), is a social practice activity (such as visiting the picking, etc), some teachers are accustomed to using a story + behavior practice theory of meter + drawing manner of social education, but found that children say a set, macmillan disconnect: some teachers know that social education can only depend on preaching, but how to prevent? -.. About social education, teachers have a lot of confusion. To solve these problems resolution. Because there is a social problems, such as pride, others have made. Impulsive, so on, they are less positive work motivation, blocking the way of their success. It shows the psychological activity of social push elements such as power system, it is intelligence to launch play power drive, that is to say, driving the non-intelligence factor, intelligence is hard to play, non-intelligence factors on intelligence elements play a limited effect, social development is only a measure of a man develops reclaims the level, at the same time it is also an integral part of overall education children back to the surface, the kindergarten social education content the core values of education
In the domestic foreign relevant research materials, national curriculum documents summarized on the basis of our kindergarten social teaching content to medicine, namely, a "creature" to a "social people change relatively under six sections.